►Nus | General tools |
CusImageHeader | |
Ch | Class containing a set of static methods to compute various processes on RF images (gradients, product, interpolation) |
Cus2DSceneWidget | Class used to render a 2D slice of a vtkImageData in a vtk scene in a QWidget (based on QVTKWidget) |
Cus3DSceneSlicing | Graphical main window to move a plane in a 3D view using QSliders for origin and normal components |
Cus3DSceneWidget | Class used to render a 3D vtk scene containing a vtkImageData in a QWidget (based on QVTKWidget) |
CusAcquisitionParameters | Class to store acquisition parameters for ultrasound station |
CusBSpline3D | |
CusConsoleListener | |
CusConvolution2d | Convolution process for elastography puropse, based on fftw thirdparty library |
CusDenseTracker2D | 2D region tracker |
CusElastography | Computation of a strain map using two sucessive RF images acquired at different compressions of the probe |
CusElastography3D | Computation of a strain map using two sucessive RF volulmes acquired at different compressions of the probe |
CusElastographyDisplayWidget | QWidget-based class for elastography display |
CusElastographyQtWrapper | Qt wrapper for usElastography class |
CusFrameGrabbedInfo | Class to store additionnal informations arriving on the network with ultrasound images grabbed, such as frame count, timestamp. Usefull to do real-time process |
CusImage3D | Representation of a physical image volume |
CusImageDisplayWidget | Qt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display |
CusImageDisplayWidgetQmlOverlay | Qt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display, containing robot control tools |
CusImageDisplayWidgetQmlOverlayServoing | Qt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display, containing robot control tools for visual servoing on a rectangular ROI |
CusImageDisplayWidgetRobotControl | Qt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display, containing robot control tools |
CusImageElastography | Elastography image : contains a 2D B-Mode image (pre-scan or post-scan), with an overlaying colored sub-image to display the strain map of the sub-image region |
CusImageElastographyCreationWrapper | Qt wrapper for colored elastography image creation (pre-scan image with a colored rectangle overlay for elastograpy) |
CusImageHeaderXmlParser | Input/output operations between ultrasound image header and the associated xml files. Used for virtual server |
CusImageIo | Input/output operations between ultrasound data and files (header + image file) |
CusImagePostScan2D | 2D post-scan ultrasound image |
CusImagePostScan3D | 3D post-scan ultrasound image |
CusImagePreScan2D | 2D pre-scan ultrasound image |
CusImagePreScan3D | 3D pre-scan ultrasound image |
CusImagePreScanSettings | Settings associated to ultrasound pre-scan images implemented in usImageRF2D, usImageRF3D, usImagePreScan2D and usImagePreScan3D |
CusImageRF2D | 2D Radio Frequence (RF) ultrasound image |
CusImageRF3D | 3D Radio Frequence (RF) ultrasound image |
CusImageSettingsXmlParser | Input/output operations between ultrasound image settings and the associated xml files |
CusLogCompressor | Log-compression filter |
CusMedicalImageViewer | Graphical main window containing 4 vtk views |
CusMeshDeformation | Class used to render a 3D mesh in a 3D environment |
CusMeterPixelConversion | Conversion between a position in meters in the space and the equivalent pixel position in the ultrasound image |
CusMHDSequenceReader | Reader for a sequence of images stored as mhd/raw files in a directory Image sequence files order have to respect alphabetical order in the directory, and be the same for corresponding mhd and raw files. For example : image1.mhd, image1.raw, image2.mhd, image2.raw, ... The directory must contain exactly the same number of images as the number of images contained in the sequence (1 mhd file and 1 raw file per image of the sequence) |
CusMHDSequenceWriter | Writer for a sequence of images stored as mhd/raw files in a directory Image filenames are set based on the following format: "image%05d.mhd" and "image%05d.raw". An internal counter is incremented every time write() is called, to update the filename of the new image in the sequence |
CusMotorSettings | Generic class for 3D ultrasound motor settings associated to the 3D probe used during acquisition |
CusNeedleInsertionModelInterface | |
CusNeedleInsertionModelKinematic | |
CusNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline | |
CusNeedleInsertionModelVirtualSprings | |
CusNeedleModelBaseTip | |
CusNeedleModelPolynomial | |
CusNeedleModelSpline | |
CusNeedleTip | |
CusNeedleTipActuated | |
CusNeedleTipBeveled | |
CusNeedleTipPrebent | |
CusNeedleTipSymmetric | |
CusNeedleTrackerSIR2D | Needle detection in 2D images based on particle filtering |
►CusNetworkGrabber | Generic abstract class to manage tcp connection to grab ultrasound frames (on port 8080) |
CusInitHeaderConfirmation | |
CusInitHeaderSent | |
CusRunControlHeaderSent | |
CusNetworkGrabberPostScan2D | Specific class to grab post-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network |
CusNetworkGrabberPostScanBiPlan | Specific class to grab post-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network with the bi-plane probe |
CusNetworkGrabberPreScan2D | Specific class to grab pre-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network |
CusNetworkGrabberPreScan3D | Specific class to grab pre-scan volumes from the ultrasound station on the network |
CusNetworkGrabberRF2D | Specific class to grab RF frames from the ultrasound station on the network |
CusNetworkGrabberRF3D | Specific class to grab RF volumes from the ultrasound station on the network |
►CusNetworkServer | |
CusImageHeader | |
CusInitHeaderConfirmation | |
CusInitHeaderIncomming | |
CusUpdateHeaderIncomming | |
CusOrientedPlane3D | |
CusPixelMeterConversion | Conversion between a pixel position in the ultrasound image and the real position in meters |
CusPolynomialCurve2D | 2D curve model |
CusPolynomialCurve3D | 2D curve model |
CusPostScanToPreScan2DConverter | 2D back-scan converter |
CusPreScanToPostScan2DConverter | 2D scan-converter |
CusPreScanToPostScan3DConverter | 3D scan converter |
CusResliceMatrixViewer | Graphical main window containing 4 vtk views |
CusRFToPostScan2DConverter | 2D conversion from RF signal to post-scan image |
CusRFToPostScan3DConverter | 3D conversion from RF signal to post-scan image |
CusRFToPreScan2DConverter | 2D conversion from RF signal to pre-scan image |
CusRFToPreScan3DConverter | 3D conversion from RF signal to pre-scan image |
CusRobotManualControlWidget | |
CusScanlineConfidence2D | Process a pre-scan image to determine the confidence map |
CusSequenceReader | Reading of sequences of ultrasound images |
CusSequenceReader3D | Reading of sequences of ultrasound images |
CusSequenceWriter | Writing of sequences of ultrasound images |
CusServerMainWindow | |
CusSignalProcessing | |
CusTissueModelPolynomial | |
CusTissueModelSpline | |
CusTissueTranslationEstimatorUKF | |
CusTransducerSettings | Generic class for 2D ultrasound data common settings associated to the type of probe transducer used during acquisition |
CusUnscentedKalmanFilter | |
CusViewerWidget | View used to render a vtk scene in a QWidget (based on QVTKWidget for Qt4, QVTKOpenGLWidget for Qt5) |
CusViper850WrapperVelocityControl | |
CusVirtualNeedle | Class used to render a virtual needle movable in a 3D environment |
►CusVirtualServer | Class to simulate a server sending frames from an ultrasound station. Permits to replay a sequence of images sent through the network, by respeting the timestamps of each frame sent (to do real-time tests) |
CusImageHeader | |
CusInitHeaderConfirmation | |
CusInitHeaderIncomming | |
CusUpdateHeaderIncomming | |
CusVirtualSpring | |
CusVolumeGrabbedInfo | Class to store additionnal informations arriving on the network with ultrasound volumes grabbed, such as volume count, timestamps. Usefull to do real-time process |
CusVolumeProcessing | Processing tools (derivative, filtering...) for the usImage3D class |
CusVTKConverter | Class to convert ustk image types to vtkImageData |