UsTK : Ultrasound ToolKit  version 2.0.1 under development (2025-03-09)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NusGeneral tools
 ChClass containing a set of static methods to compute various processes on RF images (gradients, product, interpolation)
 Cus2DSceneWidgetClass used to render a 2D slice of a vtkImageData in a vtk scene in a QWidget (based on QVTKWidget)
 Cus3DSceneSlicingGraphical main window to move a plane in a 3D view using QSliders for origin and normal components
 Cus3DSceneWidgetClass used to render a 3D vtk scene containing a vtkImageData in a QWidget (based on QVTKWidget)
 CusAcquisitionParametersClass to store acquisition parameters for ultrasound station
 CusConvolution2dConvolution process for elastography puropse, based on fftw thirdparty library
 CusDenseTracker2D2D region tracker
 CusElastographyComputation of a strain map using two sucessive RF images acquired at different compressions of the probe
 CusElastography3DComputation of a strain map using two sucessive RF volulmes acquired at different compressions of the probe
 CusElastographyDisplayWidgetQWidget-based class for elastography display
 CusElastographyQtWrapperQt wrapper for usElastography class
 CusFrameGrabbedInfoClass to store additionnal informations arriving on the network with ultrasound images grabbed, such as frame count, timestamp. Usefull to do real-time process
 CusImage3DRepresentation of a physical image volume
 CusImageDisplayWidgetQt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display
 CusImageDisplayWidgetQmlOverlayQt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display, containing robot control tools
 CusImageDisplayWidgetQmlOverlayServoingQt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display, containing robot control tools for visual servoing on a rectangular ROI
 CusImageDisplayWidgetRobotControlQt widget class for 2D ultrasound image display, containing robot control tools
 CusImageElastographyElastography image : contains a 2D B-Mode image (pre-scan or post-scan), with an overlaying colored sub-image to display the strain map of the sub-image region
 CusImageElastographyCreationWrapperQt wrapper for colored elastography image creation (pre-scan image with a colored rectangle overlay for elastograpy)
 CusImageHeaderXmlParserInput/output operations between ultrasound image header and the associated xml files. Used for virtual server
 CusImageIoInput/output operations between ultrasound data and files (header + image file)
 CusImagePostScan2D2D post-scan ultrasound image
 CusImagePostScan3D3D post-scan ultrasound image
 CusImagePreScan2D2D pre-scan ultrasound image
 CusImagePreScan3D3D pre-scan ultrasound image
 CusImagePreScanSettingsSettings associated to ultrasound pre-scan images implemented in usImageRF2D, usImageRF3D, usImagePreScan2D and usImagePreScan3D
 CusImageRF2D2D Radio Frequence (RF) ultrasound image
 CusImageRF3D3D Radio Frequence (RF) ultrasound image
 CusImageSettingsXmlParserInput/output operations between ultrasound image settings and the associated xml files
 CusLogCompressorLog-compression filter
 CusMedicalImageViewerGraphical main window containing 4 vtk views
 CusMeshDeformationClass used to render a 3D mesh in a 3D environment
 CusMeterPixelConversionConversion between a position in meters in the space and the equivalent pixel position in the ultrasound image
 CusMHDSequenceReaderReader for a sequence of images stored as mhd/raw files in a directory Image sequence files order have to respect alphabetical order in the directory, and be the same for corresponding mhd and raw files. For example : image1.mhd, image1.raw, image2.mhd, image2.raw, ... The directory must contain exactly the same number of images as the number of images contained in the sequence (1 mhd file and 1 raw file per image of the sequence)
 CusMHDSequenceWriterWriter for a sequence of images stored as mhd/raw files in a directory Image filenames are set based on the following format: "image%05d.mhd" and "image%05d.raw". An internal counter is incremented every time write() is called, to update the filename of the new image in the sequence
 CusMotorSettingsGeneric class for 3D ultrasound motor settings associated to the 3D probe used during acquisition
 CusNeedleTrackerSIR2DNeedle detection in 2D images based on particle filtering
 CusNetworkGrabberGeneric abstract class to manage tcp connection to grab ultrasound frames (on port 8080)
 CusNetworkGrabberPostScan2DSpecific class to grab post-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network
 CusNetworkGrabberPostScanBiPlanSpecific class to grab post-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network with the bi-plane probe
 CusNetworkGrabberPreScan2DSpecific class to grab pre-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network
 CusNetworkGrabberPreScan3DSpecific class to grab pre-scan volumes from the ultrasound station on the network
 CusNetworkGrabberRF2DSpecific class to grab RF frames from the ultrasound station on the network
 CusNetworkGrabberRF3DSpecific class to grab RF volumes from the ultrasound station on the network
 CusPixelMeterConversionConversion between a pixel position in the ultrasound image and the real position in meters
 CusPolynomialCurve2D2D curve model
 CusPolynomialCurve3D2D curve model
 CusPostScanToPreScan2DConverter2D back-scan converter
 CusPreScanToPostScan2DConverter2D scan-converter
 CusPreScanToPostScan3DConverter3D scan converter
 CusResliceMatrixViewerGraphical main window containing 4 vtk views
 CusRFToPostScan2DConverter2D conversion from RF signal to post-scan image
 CusRFToPostScan3DConverter3D conversion from RF signal to post-scan image
 CusRFToPreScan2DConverter2D conversion from RF signal to pre-scan image
 CusRFToPreScan3DConverter3D conversion from RF signal to pre-scan image
 CusScanlineConfidence2DProcess a pre-scan image to determine the confidence map
 CusSequenceReaderReading of sequences of ultrasound images
 CusSequenceReader3DReading of sequences of ultrasound images
 CusSequenceWriterWriting of sequences of ultrasound images
 CusTransducerSettingsGeneric class for 2D ultrasound data common settings associated to the type of probe transducer used during acquisition
 CusViewerWidgetView used to render a vtk scene in a QWidget (based on QVTKWidget for Qt4, QVTKOpenGLWidget for Qt5)
 CusVirtualNeedleClass used to render a virtual needle movable in a 3D environment
 CusVirtualServerClass to simulate a server sending frames from an ultrasound station. Permits to replay a sequence of images sent through the network, by respeting the timestamps of each frame sent (to do real-time tests)
 CusVolumeGrabbedInfoClass to store additionnal informations arriving on the network with ultrasound volumes grabbed, such as volume count, timestamps. Usefull to do real-time process
 CusVolumeProcessingProcessing tools (derivative, filtering...) for the usImage3D class
 CusVTKConverterClass to convert ustk image types to vtkImageData