UsTK : Ultrasound ToolKit  version 2.0.1 under development (2025-03-10)
usImagePreScan3D< Type > Class Template Reference

#include <visp3/ustk_core/usImagePreScan3D.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for usImagePreScan3D< Type >:

Public Types

enum  usMotorType { LinearMotor = 0 , TiltingMotor = 1 , RotationalMotor = 2 }

Public Member Functions

 usImagePreScan3D ()
 usImagePreScan3D (const usImage3D< Type > &image, const usImagePreScanSettings &preScanSettings, const usMotorSettings &motorSettings)
 usImagePreScan3D (const usImagePreScan3D &other)
virtual ~usImagePreScan3D ()
unsigned int getBModeSampleNumber () const
void getFrame (usImagePreScan2D< Type > &image, unsigned int index)
void insertFrame (const usImagePreScan2D< Type > &frame, unsigned int index)
usImagePreScan3D< Type > & operator= (const usImagePreScan3D< Type > &other)
bool operator== (const usImagePreScan3D< Type > &other)
void setData (const usImage3D< Type > &image)
void setFrameNumber (unsigned int frameNumber)
void setScanLineNumber (unsigned int scanLineNumber)
void resize (unsigned int height, unsigned int width, unsigned int numberOfFrames)
Inherited functionalities from usImage3D
Type * getConstData () const
Type * getData ()
Type * getData (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k)
unsigned int getWidth () const
unsigned int getHeight () const
unsigned int getNumberOfFrames () const
unsigned int getSize () const
void initData (Type value)
bool operator== (const usImage3D< Type > &other)
Type operator() (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k) const
void operator() (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, Type value)
void setData (Type *data, int numberOfVoxels)
Inherited functionalities from usImagePreScanSettings
double getAxialResolution () const
usImagePreScanSettings getImagePreScanSettings () const
bool operator== (const usImagePreScanSettings &other)
void setAxialResolution (const double axialResolution)
void setImagePreScanSettings (const usImagePreScanSettings &preScanSettings)
Inherited functionalities from usTransducerSettings
bool operator== (usTransducerSettings const &other)
double getDepth () const
double getFieldOfView () const
std::string getProbeName () const
int getSamplingFrequency () const
unsigned int getScanLineNumber () const
double getScanLinePitch () const
double getTransducerRadius () const
usTransducerSettings getTransducerSettings () const
int getTransmitFrequency () const
bool isTransducerConvex () const
bool operator!= (usTransducerSettings const &other)
bool scanLineNumberIsSet () const
void setDepth (double depth)
void setFieldOfView (double fieldOfView)
void setProbeName (std::string probeName)
void setSamplingFrequency (const int samplingFrequency)
void setScanLinePitch (const double scanLinePitch)
void setTransducerConvexity (const bool isTransducerConvex)
void setTransducerSettings (const usTransducerSettings &other)
void setTransducerRadius (const double transducerRadius)
void setTransmitFrequency (const int transmitFrequency)
Inherited functionalities from usMotorSettings
unsigned int getFrameNumber () const
double getFramePitch () const
double getMotorFieldOfView () const
double getMotorRadius () const
usMotorSettings getMotorSettings () const
usMotorType getMotorType () const
bool frameNumberIsSet () const
bool operator== (const usMotorSettings &other)
bool operator!= (const usMotorSettings &other)
void setFramePitch (double framePitch)
void setMotorFieldOfView (double motorFieldOfView)
void setMotorRadius (double motorRadius)
void setMotorSettings (const usMotorSettings &other)
void setMotorType (const usMotorType &motorType)

Detailed Description

template<class Type>
class usImagePreScan3D< Type >

3D pre-scan ultrasound image.

This class represents a 3D pre-scan ultrasound image. This image is nothing more than an usImage3D that contains 3D pre-scan data and additional settings that give information about the acquisition process.

The settings associated to an usImagePreScan3D image are the:

  • pre-scan image settings implemented in usImagePreScanSettings that are:
    • the name of the probe that could be set using setProbeName() or retrieved using getProbeName().
    • the transducer radius $R_{_T}$ in meters (value set to zero for a linear transducer). Its value could be set using setTransducerRadius() and retrieved using getTransducerRadius().
    • the scan line pitch that corresponds to the angle $\alpha_{_{SC}}$ (in radians) between two successive scan line beams when the transducer is convex, or to the distance $d_{_{SC}}$ (in meters) when the transducer is linear. To set this value use setScanLinePitch() and to get its value use getScanLinePitch().
    • the number of scan lines $n_{_{SC}}$. To set this setting use setScanLineNumber() and to access to the value use getScanLineNumber().
    • the type of ultrasound transducer used for data acquisition: convex or linear. This parameter could be set using setTransducerConvexity(). To know the transducer type use isTransducerConvex().
    • the depth that corresponds to the distance in meters between the first and the last pixel in a scan line. To set this value use setDepth() and to get the depth use getDepth().
    • an additional axial resolution parameter called $a_{_R}$ which corresponds to the distance (in meters) between two consecutive B-Mode samples along a scan line. To set this value use setAxialResolution() and to retrieve this value use getAxialResolution().
  • the motor settings implemented in usMotorSettings that are:
    • the type of motor used to move the transducer: linear, tilting (small rotation) or rotationnal (360° rotation). This type is defined in usMotorType and could be set using setMotorType(). To retrieve the motor type use getMotorType().
    • the motor radius $R_{_M}$ (value set to zero for a linear motor). This value could be set using setMotorRadius() or get using getMotorRadius().
    • the frame pitch that corresponds to the angle $\alpha_{_F}$ (in radians) between to successive frame acquisitions when the motor is convex, or to the distance $d_{_F}$ (in meters) when the motor is linear. To set this value use setFramePitch() and to access use getFramePitch().
    • the frame number $n_{_F}$ that corresponds to the number of frames acquired by the probe to generate the 3D volume. This number is set using setFrameNumber() and could be retrieved using getFrameNumber().

The following figure summarize these settings and shows the structure of an usImagePreScan3D image:

The following example shows how to build a 3D pre-scan ultrasound image from an usImage3D, and from acquisiton settings.

#include <visp3/ustk_core/usImagePreScan3D.h>
int main()
// Pre-scan image settings
unsigned int BModeSampleNumber = 200;
double transducerRadius = 0.008;
double scanLinePitch = 0.004;
unsigned int scanLineNumber = 256;
bool isTransducerConvex = true;
double axialResolution = 0.001;
// Motor settings
double motorRadius = 0.004;
double framePitch = 0.06;
unsigned int frameNumber = 10;
usImagePreScanSettings imagePreScanSettings;
usMotorSettings motorSettings;
usImage3D<unsigned char> I(BModeSampleNumber, scanLineNumber, frameNumber);
void setData(const usImage3D< Type > &image)
Settings associated to ultrasound pre-scan images implemented in usImageRF2D, usImageRF3D,...
void setImagePreScanSettings(const usImagePreScanSettings &preScanSettings)
void setAxialResolution(const double axialResolution)
Generic class for 3D ultrasound motor settings associated to the 3D probe used during acquisition.
void setMotorSettings(const usMotorSettings &other)
void setMotorType(const usMotorType &motorType)
void setMotorRadius(double motorRadius)
void setFrameNumber(unsigned int frameNumber)
void setFramePitch(double framePitch)
void setTransducerConvexity(const bool isTransducerConvex)
void setScanLinePitch(const double scanLinePitch)
void setTransducerRadius(const double transducerRadius)
void setScanLineNumber(unsigned int scanLineNumber)

Definition at line 139 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ usMotorType

Enumerator for motor type


Case of a linear motor.


Case of a tilting motor (small rotation).


Case of a roatational motor (360° rotation).

Definition at line 81 of file usMotorSettings.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ usImagePreScan3D() [1/3]

template<class Type >
usImagePreScan3D< Type >::usImagePreScan3D

Basic constructor, all settings set to default values.

Definition at line 176 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

◆ usImagePreScan3D() [2/3]

template<class Type >
usImagePreScan3D< Type >::usImagePreScan3D ( const usImage3D< Type > &  image,
const usImagePreScanSettings preScanSettings,
const usMotorSettings motorSettings 

Copy constructor.

image3D data you want to copy.
preScanSettingsPre-scan settings you want to copy.
motorSettingsMotor settings you want to copy.

Definition at line 187 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

References usMotorSettings::getFrameNumber(), usImage3D< Type >::getNumberOfFrames(), usTransducerSettings::getScanLineNumber(), and usImage3D< Type >::getWidth().

◆ usImagePreScan3D() [3/3]

template<class Type >
usImagePreScan3D< Type >::usImagePreScan3D ( const usImagePreScan3D< Type > &  other)

Copy constructor.

other3D pre-scan image you want to copy.

Definition at line 202 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

◆ ~usImagePreScan3D()

template<class Type >
usImagePreScan3D< Type >::~usImagePreScan3D


Definition at line 210 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ frameNumberIsSet()

bool usMotorSettings::frameNumberIsSet ( ) const

Getter to know if the scan frame is set (usefull in case of field of view setter call).

Boolean to know if the frame number is set or not.

Definition at line 200 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usMotorSettings::operator=(), and usMotorSettings::operator==().

◆ getAxialResolution()

◆ getBModeSampleNumber()

template<class Type >
unsigned int usImagePreScan3D< Type >::getBModeSampleNumber

Gets the number of B-mode samples along a scan line. This value corresponds to the 3D image Y-size.

Definition at line 250 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

References usImage3D< Type >::getHeight().

Referenced by usPreScanToPostScan3DConverter::convert().

◆ getConstData()

template<class Type >
Type* usImage3D< Type >::getConstData ( ) const

◆ getData() [1/2]

template<class Type >
Type* usImage3D< Type >::getData ( )

◆ getData() [2/2]

template<class Type >
Type* usImage3D< Type >::getData ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  k 

Get the pointer to the data container for specified position in the volume.

iIndex on i-axis to acess
jIndex on j-axis to acess
kIndex on k-axis to acess
The pointer to the voxel specified indexes.

Definition at line 119 of file usImage3D.h.

◆ getDepth()

◆ getFieldOfView()

◆ getFrame()

template<class Type >
void usImagePreScan3D< Type >::getFrame ( usImagePreScan2D< Type > &  image,
unsigned int  index 

Returns a 2D slice of the volume at a given index.

[out]imageThe 2D frame to insert.
[in]indexPosition of the frame to extract in the volume.

Definition at line 338 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

References usImagePreScan2D< Type >::resize().

◆ getFrameNumber()

◆ getFramePitch()

double usMotorSettings::getFramePitch ( ) const

Get the frame pitch (radians or meters).

framePitch Frame pitch between two sucessive frames. In meters if motorType is linear, in radians otherwise.

Definition at line 153 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usPixelMeterConversion::convert(), usMeterPixelConversion::convert(), usMotorSettings::operator=(), usMotorSettings::operator==(), usImageIo::write(), usMHDSequenceWriter::write(), and usImageSettingsXmlParser::writeMainClass().

◆ getHeight()

◆ getImagePreScanSettings()

usImagePreScanSettings usImagePreScanSettings::getImagePreScanSettings ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file usImagePreScanSettings.cpp.

◆ getMotorFieldOfView()

double usMotorSettings::getMotorFieldOfView ( ) const

Getter for the motor field of view (based on frame number and pitch).

The motor field of view in radians if the probe is convex, in meters if it is linear.

Definition at line 206 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

◆ getMotorRadius()

double usMotorSettings::getMotorRadius ( ) const

◆ getMotorSettings()

usMotorSettings usMotorSettings::getMotorSettings ( ) const

Definition at line 234 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

◆ getMotorType()

usMotorSettings::usMotorType usMotorSettings::getMotorType ( ) const

Get the motor type : linear, titling (small rotation angle) or rotational (360° rotation).

usMotorType to get the motor type.

Definition at line 178 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usPixelMeterConversion::convert(), usMeterPixelConversion::convert(), usPreScanToPostScan3DConverter::init(), usMotorSettings::operator=(), usMotorSettings::operator==(), usImageIo::write(), usMHDSequenceWriter::write(), and usImageSettingsXmlParser::writeMainClass().

◆ getNumberOfFrames()

◆ getProbeName()

std::string usTransducerSettings::getProbeName ( ) const

Getter for the probe name.

Name of the probe.

Definition at line 232 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

◆ getSamplingFrequency()

int usTransducerSettings::getSamplingFrequency ( ) const

Getter for sampling frequency : frequency used to sample the echo of the ultrasound wave.

Sampling frequency Frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 305 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usTransducerSettings::operator=(), usTransducerSettings::operator==(), usImageIo::read(), usImageIo::write(), usMHDSequenceWriter::write(), and usImageSettingsXmlParser::writeMainClass().

◆ getScanLineNumber()

◆ getScanLinePitch()

◆ getSize()

template<class Type >
unsigned int usImage3D< Type >::getSize ( ) const

◆ getTransducerRadius()

◆ getTransducerSettings()

usTransducerSettings usTransducerSettings::getTransducerSettings ( ) const

Getter for transducer settings : allows heritating classes to get the transducer settings.

The transducer settings.

Definition at line 295 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

◆ getTransmitFrequency()

int usTransducerSettings::getTransmitFrequency ( ) const

Getter for transmit frequency : frequency of the ultrasound wave used.

Transmit frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 311 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usTransducerSettings::operator=(), usTransducerSettings::operator==(), usImageIo::read(), usImageIo::write(), usMHDSequenceWriter::write(), and usImageSettingsXmlParser::writeMainClass().

◆ getWidth()

◆ initData()

template<class Type >
void usImage3D< Type >::initData ( Type  value)

Initialize the data container with the specified value.

valueThe data

Definition at line 367 of file usImage3D.h.

Referenced by usVolumeProcessing::applyFilter(), usPreScanToPostScan3DConverter::convert(), and usImage3D< Type >::usImage3D().

◆ insertFrame()

template<class Type >
void usImagePreScan3D< Type >::insertFrame ( const usImagePreScan2D< Type > &  frame,
unsigned int  index 

Insert at a given index to update the volume while grabbing successive 2D frames.

frameThe 2D frame to insert.
indexPosition to insert the frame in the volume.

Definition at line 312 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

Referenced by usRFToPreScan3DConverter::convert(), and usImageIo::read().

◆ isTransducerConvex()

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

bool usMotorSettings::operator!= ( const usMotorSettings other)

Compare two motor settings.

otherMotor settings to compare.
false if settings are the same, true otherwise.

Definition at line 116 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

References usMotorSettings::operator==().

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

bool usTransducerSettings::operator!= ( usTransducerSettings const &  other)

Compare two probe transducer settings.

False if the settings are the same, true otherwise.

Definition at line 125 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

References usTransducerSettings::operator==().

◆ operator()() [1/2]

template<class Type >
Type usImage3D< Type >::operator() ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  k 
) const

Access operator.

iIndex on i-axis to acess
jIndex on j-axis to acess
kIndex on k-axis to acess

Definition at line 169 of file usImage3D.h.

◆ operator()() [2/2]

template<class Type >
void usImage3D< Type >::operator() ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  k,
Type  value 

Modification operator.

iIndex on i-axis to modify
jIndex on j-axis to modify
kIndex on k-axis to modify
valueValue to insert at the desired index

Definition at line 181 of file usImage3D.h.

◆ operator=()

template<class Type >
usImagePreScan3D< Type > & usImagePreScan3D< Type >::operator= ( const usImagePreScan3D< Type > &  other)

◆ operator==() [1/5]

template<class Type >
bool usImage3D< Type >::operator== ( const usImage3D< Type > &  other)

Comparison operator.

otherThe 3d image to compare. Comparing image parameters, and all volume voxel by voxel.

Definition at line 332 of file usImage3D.h.

References usImage3D< Type >::getConstData(), usImage3D< Type >::getHeight(), usImage3D< Type >::getNumberOfFrames(), and usImage3D< Type >::getWidth().

Referenced by usImagePostScan3D< Type >::operator==().

◆ operator==() [2/5]

template<class Type >
bool usImagePreScan3D< Type >::operator== ( const usImagePreScan3D< Type > &  other)

Comparison operator.

Definition at line 232 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

◆ operator==() [3/5]

bool usImagePreScanSettings::operator== ( const usImagePreScanSettings other)

Comparison operator.

otherusImagePreScanSettings to compare with.

Definition at line 95 of file usImagePreScanSettings.cpp.

References usImagePreScanSettings::getAxialResolution().

Referenced by usImageRF2D< Type >::operator==().

◆ operator==() [4/5]

bool usMotorSettings::operator== ( const usMotorSettings other)

Compare two motor settings.

otherMotor settings to compare.
true if settings are the same, false otherwise.

Definition at line 104 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

References usMotorSettings::frameNumberIsSet(), usMotorSettings::getFrameNumber(), usMotorSettings::getFramePitch(), usMotorSettings::getMotorRadius(), and usMotorSettings::getMotorType().

Referenced by usMotorSettings::operator!=(), and usImagePostScan3D< Type >::operator==().

◆ operator==() [5/5]

◆ resize()

template<class Type >
void usImagePreScan3D< Type >::resize ( unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  numberOfFrames 

Resize the 3D pre-scan image.

Updates also the transducer scan line number that corresponds to the image X-size and the motor frame number that corresponds to the image Z-size.

heightImage height.
widthImage width.
numberOfFramesNumber of frames in the volume.

Definition at line 300 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

References usImage3D< Type >::resize(), usMotorSettings::setFrameNumber(), and usTransducerSettings::setScanLineNumber().

Referenced by usSequenceReader3D< ImageType >::acquire(), usMHDSequenceReader::acquire(), usRFToPreScan3DConverter::convert(), usMHDSequenceReader::getImage(), usSequenceReader3D< ImageType >::getVolume(), and usImageIo::read().

◆ scanLineNumberIsSet()

bool usTransducerSettings::scanLineNumberIsSet ( ) const

Getter to know if the scan line number is set (usefull in case of field of view setter call).

Boolean to know if the scan line number is set or not.

Definition at line 277 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usTransducerSettings::operator=().

◆ setAxialResolution()

◆ setData() [1/2]

template<class Type >
void usImagePreScan3D< Type >::setData ( const usImage3D< Type > &  image)

Setter for the 3D pre-scan image data.

imageData to set.

Definition at line 259 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

References usImage3D< Type >::getNumberOfFrames(), usImage3D< Type >::getWidth(), and usImage3D< Type >::operator=().

◆ setData() [2/2]

template<class Type >
void usImage3D< Type >::setData ( Type *  data,
int  numberOfVoxels 

Set the data container.

dataThe data container.
numberOfVoxelsThe number of voxels in the image.

Definition at line 354 of file usImage3D.h.

◆ setDepth()

◆ setFieldOfView()

void usTransducerSettings::setFieldOfView ( double  fieldOfView)

Setter for the transducer field of view (updates the scan line pitch).

fieldOfViewThe transducer field of view in radians if the transducer is convex, in meters if the transducer is linear.
Be sure to use setScanLineNumber() to update the scan line number before the field of view since this method computes the scan line pitch from the field of view and the scan line pitch.
usTransducerSettings transducerSettings;
transducerSettings.setFieldOfView(vpMath::rad(57.0)); // field of view is 57 deg
Generic class for 2D ultrasound data common settings associated to the type of probe transducer used ...
void setFieldOfView(double fieldOfView)
tutorial-servo-target-confidence.cpp, tutorial-servo-target.cpp, tutorial-sonosite-confidence-control.cpp, and tutorial-sonosite-confidence-map.cpp.

Definition at line 265 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usPostScanToPreScan2DConverter::convert().

◆ setFrameNumber()

template<class Type >
void usImagePreScan3D< Type >::setFrameNumber ( unsigned int  frameNumber)

Set the motor frame number.

Resize also the image Z-size that is equal to the frame number.

frameNumberNumber of frames in the 3D volume.

Definition at line 284 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

References usImage3D< Type >::resize(), and usMotorSettings::setFrameNumber().

◆ setFramePitch()

void usMotorSettings::setFramePitch ( double  framePitch)

◆ setImagePreScanSettings()

◆ setMotorFieldOfView()

void usMotorSettings::setMotorFieldOfView ( double  motorFieldOfView)

Setter for the motor field of view (updates the frame pitch).

motorFieldOfViewThe motor field of view in radians if the motor is convex, in meters if the motor is linear.
Be sure to use setFrameNumber() to update the frame number before the field of view since this method computes the frame pitch from the field of view and the frame pitch.
usMotorSettings motorSettings;
motorSettings.setMotorFieldOfView(vpMath::rad(57.0)); // field of view is 57 deg
void setMotorFieldOfView(double motorFieldOfView)

Definition at line 226 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

◆ setMotorRadius()

void usMotorSettings::setMotorRadius ( double  motorRadius)

◆ setMotorSettings()

void usMotorSettings::setMotorSettings ( const usMotorSettings other)

Set the motor settings from other motor settings.

usMotorSettings Settings to copy.

Definition at line 184 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usMHDSequenceReader::acquire(), usRFToPreScan3DConverter::convert(), usPreScanToPostScan3DConverter::convert(), usMHDSequenceReader::getImage(), and usImageIo::read().

◆ setMotorType()

void usMotorSettings::setMotorType ( const usMotorType motorType)

Set the motor type : convex or linear (from probe type used to acquire the image).

motorTypeMotor type to specify the motor type : LinearMotor, TiltingMotor (for a rotative motor), RotationalMotor (for a 360° rotative motor).
testUsImagePostScan3DMhdParser.cpp, and testUsImagePreScan3DMhdParser.cpp.

Definition at line 166 of file usMotorSettings.cpp.

References usMotorSettings::LinearMotor, and usMotorSettings::setMotorRadius().

Referenced by usMHDSequenceReader::acquire(), usNetworkGrabberPreScan3D::dataArrived(), usNetworkGrabberRF3D::dataArrived(), usMHDSequenceReader::getImage(), usImageIo::read(), and usImageSettingsXmlParser::readMainClass().

◆ setProbeName()

void usTransducerSettings::setProbeName ( std::string  probeName)

◆ setSamplingFrequency()

◆ setScanLineNumber()

template<class Type >
void usImagePreScan3D< Type >::setScanLineNumber ( unsigned int  scanLineNumber)

Set the transducer scan line number.

Resize also the image X-size that is equal to the scan line number.

scanLineNumberNumber of scan lines acquired by the transducer.

Definition at line 272 of file usImagePreScan3D.h.

References usImage3D< Type >::resize(), and usTransducerSettings::setScanLineNumber().

◆ setScanLinePitch()

void usTransducerSettings::setScanLinePitch ( const double  scanLinePitch)

◆ setTransducerConvexity()

◆ setTransducerRadius()

◆ setTransducerSettings()

void usTransducerSettings::setTransducerSettings ( const usTransducerSettings other)

Assignment operator.

otherSettings you want to assign.
See also

Definition at line 210 of file usTransducerSettings.cpp.

Referenced by usPreScanToPostScan3DConverter::convert().

◆ setTransmitFrequency()