UsTK : Ultrasound ToolKit  version 2.0.1 under development (2025-02-08)
1 /****************************************************************************
2  *
3  * This file is part of the ustk software.
4  * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 by Inria. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
10  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
11  *
12  * For using ustk with software that can not be combined with the GNU
13  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
14  * Edition License.
15  *
16  * This software was developed at:
17  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
18  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
19  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
20  * France
21  *
22  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
23  * Inria at
24  *
25  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
27  *
28  * Author:
29  * Jason Chevrie
30  *
31  *****************************************************************************/
33 #include <visp3/ustk_needle_modeling/usNeedleModelingDisplayTools.h>
35 #include <visp3/core/vpDisplay.h>
36 #include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
37 #include <visp3/core/vpRGBa.h>
39 #include <visp3/ustk_core/usGeometryTools.h>
42 {
46 template <class ImageDataType>
47 void displayBase(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
48  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
49 {
50  usGeometryDisplayTools::displayFrame(I, imageMworld * needleModel.getWorldMbase(), Xscale, Yscale);
51 }
52 template VISP_EXPORT void displayBase<unsigned char>(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
53  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
54 template VISP_EXPORT void displayBase<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
55  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
57 template <class ImageDataType>
58 void displayTip(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
59  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
60 {
61  usGeometryDisplayTools::displayFrame(I, imageMworld * needleModel.getWorldMtip(), Xscale, Yscale);
62 }
63 template VISP_EXPORT void displayTip<unsigned char>(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
64  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
65 template VISP_EXPORT void displayTip<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
66  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
68 template <class ImageDataType>
69 void display(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
70  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
71 {
72  displayBase(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
73  displayTip(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
74 }
75 template VISP_EXPORT void display(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, const vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
76  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale);
77 template VISP_EXPORT void display(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I,
78  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale);
82 template <class ImageDataType>
83 void displayNeedle(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
84  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale, bool displayFullBody)
85 {
86  usGeometryDisplayTools::display((const usPolynomialCurve3D &)needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale,
87  vpColor::red, 10);
88  if (displayFullBody) {
89  double r = 0.5 * needleModel.getOuterDiameter();
90  double l = needleModel.getParametricLength();
91  double step = l / 10;
92  vpColVector z(imageMworld.inverse().getCol(2), 0, 3);
94  std::vector<double> params(11);
95  std::vector<vpColVector> p1(11);
96  std::vector<vpColVector> p2(11);
97  for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
98 = i * step;
99  vpColVector p(needleModel.getPoint(;
100  vpColVector x(vpColVector::crossProd(needleModel.getTangent(, z).normalize());
101 = p + r * x;
102 = p - r * x;
103  }
104  vpColVector p(needleModel.getEndPoint());
105  vpColVector x(vpColVector::crossProd(needleModel.getEndTangent(), z).normalize());
106  p1.back() = p + r * x;
107  p2.back() = p - r * x;
109  s.defineFromPoints(p1, params, needleModel.getOrder());
110  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(s, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
111  s.defineFromPoints(p2, params, needleModel.getOrder());
112  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(s, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
113  }
114  display((const usNeedleModelBaseTip &)needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
115 }
116 template VISP_EXPORT void displayNeedle<unsigned char>(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
117  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
118 template VISP_EXPORT void displayNeedle<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
119  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
121 template <class ImageDataType>
122 void displayBaseStaticTorsor(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
123  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
124 {
125  vpRotationMatrix R(imageMworld);
126  vpTranslationVector T(imageMworld);
128  vpColVector worldTorsor = -needleModel.getBaseStaticTorsor();
129  vpColVector worldForce(worldTorsor, 0, 3);
130  vpColVector worldMoment(worldTorsor, 3, 3);
132  vpColVector imageBase = R * needleModel.getStartPoint() + vpColVector(T);
133  vpColVector imageForce = R * worldForce;
134  vpColVector imageMoment = R * worldMoment;
136  double x = Xscale * imageBase[0];
137  double y = Yscale * imageBase[1];
139  double force_x = imageForce[0];
140  double force_y = imageForce[1];
142  double moment_x = imageMoment[0];
143  double moment_y = imageMoment[1];
145  vpDisplay::displayArrow(I, y, x, y + 100 * force_y, x + 100 * force_x, vpColor::red, 5, 5, 3);
146  vpDisplay::displayArrow(I, y, x, y + 3000 * moment_y, x + 3000 * moment_x, vpColor::green, 5, 5, 3);
147 }
149  const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
150  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
151 template VISP_EXPORT void displayBaseStaticTorsor<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
152  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
154 template <class ImageDataType>
155 void displayCurvatureFromShape(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
156  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
157 {
158  usGeometryDisplayTools::displayCurvatureFromShape(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
159 }
161  const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
162  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
163 template VISP_EXPORT void displayCurvatureFromShape<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
164  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
166 template <class ImageDataType>
167 void display(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
168  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale, bool displayFullBody)
169 {
170  displayNeedle(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, displayFullBody);
171  displayBaseStaticTorsor(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
172  displayCurvatureFromShape(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
173 }
174 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
175  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
176 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
177  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
181 template <class ImageDataType>
182 void displayNeedle(const usNeedleModelSpline &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
183  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale, bool displayFullBody)
184 {
185  usGeometryDisplayTools::displayLine((const usBSpline3D &)needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, vpColor::red);
186  if (displayFullBody) {
187  double r = 0.5 * needleModel.getOuterDiameter();
188  vpColVector z(imageMworld.inverse().getCol(2), 0, 3);
190  std::vector<double> lengths(needleModel.getNbSegments());
191  std::vector<vpColVector> p1(needleModel.getNbSegments() + 1);
192  std::vector<vpColVector> p2(needleModel.getNbSegments() + 1);
193  for (int i = 0; i < needleModel.getNbSegments(); i++) {
194 = needleModel.accessSegment(i).getParametricLength();
195  vpColVector p(needleModel.accessSegment(i).getStartPoint());
196  vpColVector x(vpColVector::crossProd(needleModel.accessSegment(i).getStartTangent(), z).normalize());
197 = p + r * x;
198 = p - r * x;
199  }
200  vpColVector p(needleModel.accessLastSegment().getEndPoint());
201  vpColVector x(vpColVector::crossProd(needleModel.accessLastSegment().getEndTangent(), z).normalize());
202  p1.back() = p + r * x;
203  p2.back() = p - r * x;
204  usBSpline3D s;
205  s.defineFromPoints(p1, lengths, needleModel.accessSegment(0).getOrder());
206  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(s, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
207  s.defineFromPoints(p2, lengths, needleModel.accessSegment(0).getOrder());
208  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(s, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
209  }
210  usGeometryDisplayTools::displayExtremities((const usBSpline3D &)needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale,
211  vpColor::red);
212  display((const usNeedleModelBaseTip &)needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
213 }
214 template VISP_EXPORT void displayNeedle<unsigned char>(const usNeedleModelSpline &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
215  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
216 template VISP_EXPORT void displayNeedle<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelSpline &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
217  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
219 template <class ImageDataType>
220 void displayBaseStaticTorsor(const usNeedleModelSpline &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
221  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
222 {
223  vpRotationMatrix R(imageMworld);
224  vpTranslationVector T(imageMworld);
226  vpColVector worldTorsor = -needleModel.getBaseStaticTorsor();
227  vpColVector worldForce(worldTorsor, 0, 3);
228  vpColVector worldMoment(worldTorsor, 3, 3);
230  vpColVector imageBase = R * needleModel.accessSegment(0).getStartPoint() + vpColVector(T);
231  vpColVector imageForce = R * worldForce;
232  vpColVector imageMoment = R * worldMoment;
234  double x = Xscale * imageBase[0];
235  double y = Yscale * imageBase[1];
237  double force_x = imageForce[0];
238  double force_y = imageForce[1];
240  double moment_x = imageMoment[0];
241  double moment_y = imageMoment[1];
243  vpDisplay::displayArrow(I, y, x, y + 100 * force_y, x + 100 * force_x, vpColor::red, 5, 5, 3);
244  vpDisplay::displayArrow(I, y, x, y + 3000 * moment_y, x + 3000 * moment_x, vpColor::green, 5, 5, 3);
245 }
246 template VISP_EXPORT void displayBaseStaticTorsor<unsigned char>(const usNeedleModelSpline &needleModel,
247  const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
248  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
249 template VISP_EXPORT void displayBaseStaticTorsor<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelSpline &needleModel,
250  const vpImage<vpRGBa> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double,
251  double);
253 template <class ImageDataType>
254 void displayCurvatureFromShape(const usNeedleModelSpline &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
255  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
256 {
257  usGeometryDisplayTools::displayCurvatureFromShape(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
258 }
260  const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
261  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
262 template VISP_EXPORT void displayCurvatureFromShape<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelSpline &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
263  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
265 template <class ImageDataType>
266 void display(const usNeedleModelSpline &needleModel, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
267  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale, bool displayFullBody)
268 {
269  displayNeedle(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, displayFullBody);
270  displayBaseStaticTorsor(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
271  displayCurvatureFromShape(needleModel, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
272 }
273 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleModelSpline &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
274  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
275 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleModelSpline &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
276  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
280 template <class ImageType>
281 void display(const usVirtualSpring &spring, const vpImage<ImageType> &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld,
282  double Xscale, double Yscale)
283 {
284  usGeometryDisplayTools::display((const usOrientedPlane3D &)spring, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, vpColor::green);
285 }
286 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usVirtualSpring &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
287  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
288 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usVirtualSpring &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &,
289  double, double);
293 template <class ImageDataType>
294 void display(const usTissueModelSpline &tissue, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld,
295  double Xscale, double Yscale)
296 {
297  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(tissue.accessSurface(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, vpColor::black);
298  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(tissue.accessPath(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, vpColor::blue);
299 }
300 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usTissueModelSpline &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
301  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
302 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usTissueModelSpline &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
303  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
307 template <class ImageDataType>
308 void display(const usNeedleTip &tip, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld,
309  double Xscale, double Yscale)
310 {
311  usGeometryDisplayTools::displayFrame(I, imageMworld * tip.getWorldMbase().inverse(), Xscale, Yscale);
312 }
313 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleTip &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
314  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
315 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleTip &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &,
316  double, double);
320 template <class ImageDataType>
321 void display(const usNeedleTipActuated &tip, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld,
322  double Xscale, double Yscale)
323 {
324  vpRotationMatrix R(imageMworld);
325  vpTranslationVector T(imageMworld);
327  vpColVector b = tip.getBasePosition();
328  vpColVector t = tip.getTipPosition();
329  vpColVector d = tip.getBaseAxisZ();
331  vpColVector imageB(R * b + T);
332  vpColVector imageT(R * t + T);
333  vpColVector imageD(R * d);
334  vpColVector n(2, 0);
335  n[0] = imageD[1];
336  n[1] = -imageD[0];
337  n.normalize();
339  double diameter = tip.getDiameter();
341  double x[3];
342  double y[3];
344  x[0] = Xscale * (imageT[0]);
345  y[0] = Yscale * (imageT[1]);
347  x[1] = Xscale * (imageB[0] + diameter / 2 * n[0]);
348  y[1] = Yscale * (imageB[1] + diameter / 2 * n[1]);
350  x[2] = Xscale * (imageB[0] - diameter / 2 * n[0]);
351  y[2] = Yscale * (imageB[1] - diameter / 2 * n[1]);
353  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
354  vpDisplay::displayLine(I, y[i], x[i], y[(i + 1) % 3], x[(i + 1) % 3], vpColor::red);
355  }
356 }
357 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleTipActuated &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
358  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
359 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleTipActuated &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
360  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
364 template <class ImageDataType>
365 void display(const usNeedleTipBeveled &tip, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld,
366  double Xscale, double Yscale)
367 {
368  vpRotationMatrix R(imageMworld);
369  vpTranslationVector T(imageMworld);
371  vpColVector b = tip.getBasePosition();
372  vpColVector dy = tip.getBaseAxisY();
373  vpColVector dz = tip.getBaseAxisZ();
375  vpColVector imageB(R * b + T);
376  vpColVector imageDy(R * dy);
377  vpColVector imageDz(R * dz);
379  double diameter = tip.getDiameter();
380  double length = tip.getLength();
382  double x[3];
383  double y[3];
385  x[0] = Xscale * (imageB[0] + diameter / 2 * imageDy[0]);
386  y[0] = Yscale * (imageB[1] + diameter / 2 * imageDy[1]);
388  x[1] = Xscale * (imageB[0] - diameter / 2 * imageDy[0]);
389  y[1] = Yscale * (imageB[1] - diameter / 2 * imageDy[1]);
391  x[2] = Xscale * (imageB[0] + diameter / 2 * imageDy[0] + length * imageDz[0]);
392  y[2] = Yscale * (imageB[1] + diameter / 2 * imageDy[1] + length * imageDz[1]);
394  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
395  vpDisplay::displayLine(I, y[i], x[i], y[(i + 1) % 3], x[(i + 1) % 3], vpColor::red);
396  }
397 }
398 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleTipBeveled &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
399  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
400 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleTipBeveled &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
401  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
405 template <class ImageDataType>
406 void display(const usNeedleTipPrebent &tip, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld,
407  double Xscale, double Yscale)
408 {
409  vpRotationMatrix R(imageMworld);
410  vpTranslationVector T(imageMworld);
412  vpColVector b = tip.getBasePosition();
413  vpColVector t = tip.getTipPosition();
414  vpColVector d = tip.getBaseAxisZ();
416  vpColVector imageB(R * b + T);
417  vpColVector imageT(R * t + T);
418  vpColVector imageD(R * d);
419  vpColVector n(2, 0);
420  n[0] = imageD[1];
421  n[1] = -imageD[0];
422  n.normalize();
424  double diameter = tip.getDiameter();
426  double x[3];
427  double y[3];
429  x[0] = Xscale * (imageT[0]);
430  y[0] = Yscale * (imageT[1]);
432  x[1] = Xscale * (imageB[0] + diameter / 2 * n[0]);
433  y[1] = Yscale * (imageB[1] + diameter / 2 * n[1]);
435  x[2] = Xscale * (imageB[0] - diameter / 2 * n[0]);
436  y[2] = Yscale * (imageB[1] - diameter / 2 * n[1]);
438  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
439  vpDisplay::displayLine(I, y[i], x[i], y[(i + 1) % 3], x[(i + 1) % 3], vpColor::red);
440  }
441 }
442 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleTipPrebent &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
443  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
444 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleTipPrebent &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
445  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
449 template <class ImageDataType>
450 void display(const usNeedleTipSymmetric &tip, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld,
451  double Xscale, double Yscale)
452 {
453  vpRotationMatrix R(imageMworld);
454  vpTranslationVector T(imageMworld);
456  vpColVector b = tip.getBasePosition();
457  vpColVector d = tip.getBaseAxisZ();
459  vpColVector imageB(R * b + T);
460  vpColVector imageD(R * d);
461  vpColVector n(2, 0);
462  n[0] = imageD[1];
463  n[1] = -imageD[0];
464  n.normalize();
466  double diameter = tip.getDiameter();
467  double length = tip.getLength();
469  double x[3];
470  double y[3];
472  x[0] = Xscale * (imageB[0] + length * imageD[0]);
473  y[0] = Yscale * (imageB[1] + length * imageD[1]);
475  x[1] = Xscale * (imageB[0] + diameter / 2 * n[0]);
476  y[1] = Yscale * (imageB[1] + diameter / 2 * n[1]);
478  x[2] = Xscale * (imageB[0] - diameter / 2 * n[0]);
479  y[2] = Yscale * (imageB[1] - diameter / 2 * n[1]);
481  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
482  vpDisplay::displayLine(I, y[i], x[i], y[(i + 1) % 3], x[(i + 1) % 3], vpColor::red);
483  }
484 }
485 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleTipSymmetric &, const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
486  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
487 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleTipSymmetric &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
488  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
492 template <class ImageDataType>
493 void display(const usNeedleInsertionModelKinematic &model, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
494  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
495 {
496  display(model.accessNeedle(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
497 }
498 template VISP_EXPORT void display<unsigned char>(const usNeedleInsertionModelKinematic &,
499  const vpImage<unsigned char> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double,
500  double);
501 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleInsertionModelKinematic &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
502  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
506 template <class ImageDataType>
507 void displayTissueLayers(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &model, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
508  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
509 {
510  if (model.getNbLayers() < 2 || model.accessTissue().accessSurface().getDirection().frobeniusNorm() == 0)
511  return;
513  if (model.accessTissue().accessPath().getNbSegments() > 0) {
514  double l = 0;
515  double restIndex = 0;
516  double nextLayerLength = model.getLayerLength(0);
518  for (int i = 1; i < model.getNbLayers(); i++) {
519  while (l + model.accessTissue().accessPath().accessSegment(restIndex).getParametricLength() < nextLayerLength &&
520  restIndex < model.accessTissue().accessPath().getNbSegments() - 1) {
521  l += model.accessTissue().accessPath().accessSegment(restIndex).getParametricLength();
522  restIndex++;
523  }
525  double restParam = nextLayerLength - l;
527  usGeometryTools::getNormalPlane(model.accessTissue().accessPath().accessSegment(restIndex), restParam));
529  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(P, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, vpColor::black);
531  nextLayerLength += model.getLayerLength(i);
532  }
533  }
534  else {
535  double nextLayerLength = model.getLayerLength(0);
536  vpColVector p = model.accessTissue().accessSurface().getPosition();
537  vpColVector d = model.accessTissue().accessSurface().getDirection();
539  for (int i = 1; i < model.getNbLayers(); i++) {
540  usOrientedPlane3D P(p + nextLayerLength * d, d);
542  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(P, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, vpColor::black);
544  nextLayerLength += model.getLayerLength(i);
545  }
546  }
547 }
549  const vpImage<unsigned char> &,
550  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double);
552  const vpImage<vpRGBa> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double,
553  double);
555 template <class ImageDataType>
556 void displayInteraction(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &model, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
557  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
558 {
559  if (model.accessTissue().accessPath().getNbSegments() < 1)
560  return;
562  double freeLength = model.getNeedleFreeLength();
563  double length = model.accessNeedle().getFullLength();
564  if (freeLength >= length)
565  return;
567  vpRotationMatrix R(imageMworld);
568  vpTranslationVector T(imageMworld);
570  vpColVector worldPoint(3);
571  vpColVector worldRestPoint(3);
572  vpColVector imagePoint(3);
573  vpColVector imageRestPoint(3);
575  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
576  double l = freeLength + (length - freeLength) * (i / 9.0);
578  int restIndex = 0;
579  double restParam = 0;
580  if (!model.getCorrespondingPathPoint(l, restIndex, restParam))
581  continue;
583  worldRestPoint = model.accessTissue().accessPath().accessSegment(restIndex).getPoint(restParam);
584  worldPoint = model.accessNeedle().getPoint(l);
586  imagePoint = R * worldPoint + T;
587  imageRestPoint = R * worldRestPoint + T;
589  double x = Xscale * imagePoint[0];
590  double y = Yscale * imagePoint[1];
592  double xr = Xscale * imageRestPoint[0];
593  double yr = Yscale * imageRestPoint[1];
595  vpDisplay::displayArrow(I, y, x, yr, xr, vpColor::black);
596  }
597 }
599  const vpImage<unsigned char> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &,
600  double, double);
602  const vpImage<vpRGBa> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double,
603  double);
605 template <class ImageDataType>
606 void display(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &model, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
607  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale, bool displayFullBody)
608 {
609  display(model.accessNeedle(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, displayFullBody);
610  switch (model.getNeedleTipType()) {
612  display(dynamic_cast<const usNeedleTipActuated &>(model.accessNeedleTip()), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
613  break;
614  }
616  display(dynamic_cast<const usNeedleTipBeveled &>(model.accessNeedleTip()), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
617  break;
618  }
620  display(dynamic_cast<const usNeedleTipPrebent &>(model.accessNeedleTip()), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
621  break;
622  }
624  display(dynamic_cast<const usNeedleTipSymmetric &>(model.accessNeedleTip()), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
625  break;
626  }
627  }
628  display(model.accessTissue(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
629  displayTissueLayers(model, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
630  displayInteraction(model, I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
631 }
633  const vpImage<unsigned char> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double,
634  double, bool);
635 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
636  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
640 template <class ImageDataType>
641 void display(const usNeedleInsertionModelVirtualSprings &model, const vpImage<ImageDataType> &I,
642  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale, bool displayFullBody)
643 {
644  for (int i = 0; i < model.getNbSprings(); i++) {
645  if (model.accessSpring(i).IsPositionUpdateAllowed())
646  usGeometryDisplayTools::display((const usOrientedPlane3D &)model.accessSpring(i), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale,
647  vpColor::green);
648  else
649  usGeometryDisplayTools::display((const usOrientedPlane3D &)model.accessSpring(i), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale,
650  vpColor::red);
651  }
652  display(model.accessNeedle(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, displayFullBody);
653  usGeometryDisplayTools::display(model.accessSurface(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale, vpColor::black);
654  // displayBaseStaticTorsor(model.accessNeedle(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
655  // displayCurvatureFromShape(model.accessNeedle(), I, imageMworld, Xscale, Yscale);
656 }
658  const vpImage<unsigned char> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double,
659  double, bool);
660 template VISP_EXPORT void display<vpRGBa>(const usNeedleInsertionModelVirtualSprings &, const vpImage<vpRGBa> &,
661  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool);
663 } // namespace usNeedleModelingDisplayTools
const usPolynomialCurve3D & accessSegment(int i) const
int getNbSegments() const
Parameters setters and getters.
Definition: usBSpline3D.cpp:59
const usPolynomialCurve3D & accessLastSegment() const
vpColVector getPoint(double param) const
Measure curve information.
void defineFromPoints(const std::vector< vpColVector > &points, const std::vector< double > &lengths, int order=3)
const usNeedleModelBaseTip & accessNeedle() const
double getNeedleFreeLength(int *seg=nullptr, double *param=nullptr) const
const usTissueModelSpline & accessTissue() const
Tissue parameters.
const usNeedleModelSpline & accessNeedle() const
Parameters setters and getters.
bool getCorrespondingPathPoint(double l, int &correspondingRestIndex, double &correspondingRestParam) const
const usOrientedPlane3D & accessSurface() const
const usNeedleModelSpline & accessNeedle() const
Model parameters.
vpHomogeneousMatrix getWorldMtip() const
vpHomogeneousMatrix getWorldMbase() const
vpColVector getBaseStaticTorsor() const
Force at base.
vpColVector getBaseStaticTorsor() const
Force at base.
double getOuterDiameter() const
double getLength() const
double getDiameter() const
double getDiameter() const
vpHomogeneousMatrix getWorldMbase() const
Definition: usNeedleTip.cpp:76
vpColVector getTipPosition() const
vpColVector getBasePosition() const
Definition: usNeedleTip.cpp:87
vpColVector getBaseAxisZ() const
vpColVector getBaseAxisY() const
vpColVector getDirection() const
vpColVector getPosition() const
void defineFromPoints(const std::vector< vpColVector > &points, const std::vector< double > &param, unsigned int order=0)
vpColVector getStartTangent() const
vpColVector getTangent(double parameter) const
unsigned int getOrder() const
vpColVector getPoint(double parameter) const
vpColVector getEndPoint() const
vpColVector getEndTangent() const
double getParametricLength() const
vpColVector getStartPoint() const
const usBSpline3D & accessPath() const
const usOrientedPlane3D & accessSurface() const
Parameters setters and getters.
bool IsPositionUpdateAllowed() const
VISP_EXPORT void displayExtremities(const usBSpline3D &spline, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000, const vpColor &color=vpColor::red, double visibilityDistance=std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity())
VISP_EXPORT void display(const usOrientedPlane3D &plane, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green)
Display usOrientedPlane3D.
VISP_EXPORT void displayLine(const usBSpline3D &spline, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000, const vpColor &color=vpColor::red, int nbRenderingLinesPerSegment=10, double visibilityDistance=std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity())
Display usBSpline3D.
VISP_EXPORT void displayFrame(const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMFrame, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000)
VISP_EXPORT void displayCurvatureFromShape(const usPolynomialCurve3D &spline, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000, const vpColor &color=vpColor::black)
VISP_EXPORT usOrientedPlane3D getNormalPlane(const usPolynomialCurve3D &p, double l)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayTip< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void display< unsigned char >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayBaseStaticTorsor< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayBase< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
VISP_EXPORT void displayTip(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000)
VISP_EXPORT void displayBase(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000)
Display usNeedleModelBaseTip.
template VISP_EXPORT void displayBaseStaticTorsor< unsigned char >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayInteraction< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
VISP_EXPORT void displayCurvatureFromShape(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &needleModel, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayTip< unsigned char >(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayTissueLayers< unsigned char >(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayInteraction< unsigned char >(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayCurvatureFromShape< unsigned char >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayCurvatureFromShape< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
VISP_EXPORT void displayInteraction(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &model, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000)
template VISP_EXPORT void display< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayNeedle< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool)
VISP_EXPORT void displayBaseStaticTorsor(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &needleModel, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000)
VISP_EXPORT void displayNeedle(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &needleModel, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000, bool displayFullBody=false)
Display usNeedleModelPolynomial.
template VISP_EXPORT void displayTissueLayers< vpRGBa >(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayNeedle< unsigned char >(const usNeedleModelPolynomial &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double, bool)
template VISP_EXPORT void displayBase< unsigned char >(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &, const vpImage< unsigned char > &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, double, double)
void displayTissueLayers(const usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline &model, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale, double Yscale)
Display usNeedleInsertionModelRayleighRitzSpline.
VISP_EXPORT void display(const usNeedleModelBaseTip &needleModel, vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000)