UsTK : Ultrasound ToolKit  version 2.0.1 under development (2025-03-10)
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/ustk_core/usConfig.h>
#if (defined(USTK_HAVE_QT5) || defined(USTK_HAVE_VTK_QT)) && (defined(VISP_HAVE_X11) || defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)) && \
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <visp3/ustk_grabber/usNetworkGrabberPreScan2D.h>
#include <visp3/ustk_confidence_map/usScanlineConfidence2D.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayX.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotViper850.h>
// Shared vars
vpMutex s_mutex_control_velocity;
vpColVector s_controlVelocity(6, 0.);
vpMutex s_mutex_capture;
typedef enum { capture_waiting, capture_started, capture_stopped } t_CaptureState;
t_CaptureState s_capture_state = capture_waiting;
vpThread::Return controlFunction(vpThread::Args args)
vpRobotViper850 robot;
vpMatrix eJe; // robot jacobian
// Transformation from end-effector frame to the force/torque sensor
// Note that the end-effector frame is located on the lower part of
// male component of the tool changer.
vpHomogeneousMatrix eMs;
eMs[2][3] = -0.062; // tz = -6.2cm
// Transformation from force/torque sensor to the probe frame from where
// we want to control the robot
vpHomogeneousMatrix sMp;
// Transformation from force/torque sensor to the end-effector frame
vpHomogeneousMatrix sMe;
// Build the transformation that allows to convert a velocity in the
// end-effector frame to the FT sensor frame
vpVelocityTwistMatrix sVe;
vpColVector sHs(6); // force/torque sensor measures
vpColVector sHs_star(6); // force/torque sensor desired values in sensor frame
vpColVector pHp_star(6); // force/torque sensor desired values in probe frame
vpColVector gHg(6); // force/torque due to the gravity
vpMatrix lambdaProportionnal(6, 6); // gain of proportionnal part of the force controller
vpMatrix lambdaDerivate(6, 6); // gain of derivate part of the force controller
vpMatrix lambdaIntegral(6, 6); // gain of derivate part of the force controller
vpColVector sEs(6, 0); // force/torque error
vpColVector sEs_last(6, 0); // force/torque error
vpColVector sEs_sum(6, 0); // force/torque sum error
// Position of the cog of the object attached after the sensor in the sensor frame
vpTranslationVector stg;
vpColVector sHs_bias(6); // force/torque sensor measures for bias
// Cartesian velocities corresponding to the force/torque control in the
// sensor frame
vpColVector v_s(6);
// Joint velocities corresponding to the force/torque control
vpColVector q_dot(6);
// Initialized the force gains, for proportionnal component
lambdaProportionnal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lambdaProportionnal[i][i] = 0.015;
// Initialized the torque gains, for proportionnal component
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
lambdaProportionnal[i][i] = 0;
// Initialized the force gains, for derivate component
lambdaDerivate = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lambdaDerivate[i][i] = 0.09;
// Initialized the torque gains, for derivate component
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
lambdaDerivate[i][i] = 0;
// Initialized the force gains, for integral component
lambdaIntegral = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lambdaIntegral[i][i] = 0;
// Initialized the torque gains, for integral component
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
lambdaIntegral[i][i] = 0;
// Initialize the desired force/torque values
pHp_star = 0;
pHp_star[1] = 4; // Fy = 4N
// Case of the C65 US probe
// Set the probe frame control
sMp[0][0] = 0;
sMp[1][1] = 0;
sMp[2][2] = 0;
sMp[0][2] = 1; // Z in force sensor becomes X in the probe control frame
sMp[1][0] = 1; // X in force sensor becomes Y in the probe control frame
sMp[2][1] = 1; // Y in force sensor becomes Z in the probe control frame
sMp[1][3] = 0.262; // ty = 26.2cm
// Init the force/torque due to the gravity
gHg[2] = -(0.696 + 0.476) * 9.81; // m*g
// Position of the cog of the object attached after the sensor in the sensor frame
stg[0] = 0;
stg[1] = 0;
stg[2] = 0.088; // tz = 88.4mm
vpHomogeneousMatrix eMp = eMs * sMp;
vpVelocityTwistMatrix eVp(eMp);
// Get the position of the end-effector in the reference frame
vpColVector q;
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMe;
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMs;
vpRotationMatrix sRf;
robot.getPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);
robot.get_fMe(q, fMe);
// Compute the position of the sensor frame in the reference frame
fMs = fMe * eMs;
vpHomogeneousMatrix sMf;
// Build the transformation that allows to convert the forces due to the
// gravity in the sensor frame
vpForceTwistMatrix sFg(sMf); // Only the rotation part is to consider
// Modify the translational part
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
sFg[i + 3][j] = (stg.skew() * sRf)[i][j];
// Build the transformation that allows to convert a FT expressed in the
// FT probe frame into the sensor frame
vpForceTwistMatrix sFp(sMp);
// Bias the force/torque sensor
std::cout << "\nBias the force/torque sensor...\n " << std::endl;
// Set the robot to velocity control
unsigned int iter = 0;
t_CaptureState capture_state_;
// signal filtering
unsigned int bufferSize = 80;
double signalBuffer[bufferSize];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
signalBuffer[i] = 0;
std::cout << "Starting control loop..." << std::endl;
double t0 = vpTime::measureTimeMs();
double deltaTmilliseconds = 1; // 1ms for each loop cycle
do {
t0 = vpTime::measureTimeMs();
capture_state_ = s_capture_state;
// Check if a frame is available
if (capture_state_ == capture_started) {
// Get the force/torque measures from the sensor
sHs = robot.getForceTorque();
// Multiply the measures by -1 to get the force/torque exerced by the
// robot to the environment.
sHs *= -1;
// Update the gravity transformation matrix
robot.getPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);
robot.get_fMe(q, fMe);
// Compute the position of the sensor frame in the reference frame
fMs = fMe * eMs;
// Compute the inverse transformation
// Update the transformation that allows to convert the forces due to the
// gravity in the sensor frame
sFg.buildFrom(sMf); // Only the rotation part is to consider
// Modify the translational part
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
sFg[i + 3][j] = (stg.skew() * sRf)[i][j];
if (iter == 0) {
sHs_bias = sHs - sFg * gHg;
// Compute rotation in probe frame from control velocity deduced of the confidence map barycenter
vpColVector v_p;
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
v_p = s_controlVelocity;
v_p[0] = 0;
v_p[1] = 0;
v_p[2] = 0;
v_p[3] = 0;
v_p[4] = 0;
// save last error for derivate part of the controller
sEs_last = sEs;
// Compute the force/torque error in the sensor frame
sEs = sFp * pHp_star - (sHs - sFg * gHg - sHs_bias);
// fill filtering buffer
signalBuffer[iter % bufferSize] = sEs[2];
// filter
double sum = 0;
unsigned int realBufferSize = iter + 1 < bufferSize ? iter + 1 : bufferSize;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < realBufferSize; i++) {
sum += signalBuffer[i];
sEs[2] = sum / realBufferSize;
sEs_sum += sEs;
// to avoid hudge derivate error at first iteration, we set the derivate error to 0
if (iter == 0) {
sEs_last = sEs;
// Compute the force/torque control law in the sensor frame (propotionnal + derivate controller)
v_s =
lambdaProportionnal * sEs + lambdaDerivate * (sEs - sEs_last) / deltaTmilliseconds + lambdaIntegral * sEs_sum;
v_s[0] = 0.0;
v_s[1] = 0.0;
v_s[3] = 0.0;
v_s[4] = 0.0;
v_s[5] = 0.0;
vpVelocityTwistMatrix eVs;
vpColVector v_e = eVs * v_s + eVp * v_p;
// Get the robot jacobian eJe
// Compute the joint velocities to achieve the force/torque control
q_dot = eJe.pseudoInverse() * v_e;
// Send the joint velocities to the robot
robot.setVelocity(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q_dot);
vpTime::wait(t0, deltaTmilliseconds);
} while (capture_state_ != capture_stopped);
std::cout << "End of control thread" << std::endl;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// QT application
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// setting acquisition parameters
if (qApp->arguments().contains(QString("--probeID"))) {
header.probeId = qApp->arguments().at(qApp->arguments().indexOf(QString("--probeID")) + 1).toInt();
} else
header.probeId = 15; // 4DC7 id = 15 by default
if (qApp->arguments().contains(QString("--slotID"))) {
header.slotId = qApp->arguments().at(qApp->arguments().indexOf(QString("--slotID")) + 1).toInt();
} else
header.slotId = 0; // top slot id = 0 by default
if (qApp->arguments().contains(QString("--imagingMode"))) {
header.imagingMode = qApp->arguments().at(qApp->arguments().indexOf(QString("--imagingMode")) + 1).toInt();
} else
header.imagingMode = 0; // B-mode = 0 by default
// prepare image;
// gain
double lambdaVisualError = 5;
// Prepare display
vpDisplay *display = NULL;
vpDisplay *displayConf = NULL;
bool displayInit = false;
// prepare confidence
usScanlineConfidence2D confidenceProcessor;
bool captureRunning = true;
// sending acquisition parameters
qtGrabber->setMotorPosition(32); // middle
// start robot control thread
vpThread thread_control((vpThread::Fn)controlFunction);
std::cout << "waiting ultrasound initialisation..." << std::endl;
// our local grabbing loop
do {
grabbedFrame = qtGrabber->acquire();, *grabbedFrame);
// Confidence barycenter computation
// sum first
double I_sum = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < confidence.getHeight(); ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < confidence.getWidth(); ++j)
I_sum += static_cast<double>(confidence[i][j]);
double yc = 0.0;
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < confidence.getHeight(); ++x)
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < confidence.getWidth(); ++y) {
yc += y * confidence[x][y];
yc /= I_sum;
double tc = yc * confidence.getScanLinePitch() - confidence.getFieldOfView() / 2.0;
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
s_controlVelocity = 0.0;
s_controlVelocity[5] = lambdaVisualError * tc;
s_capture_state = capture_started;
// std::cout << "MAIN THREAD received frame No : " << grabbedFrame->getFrameCount() << std::endl;
// init display
if (!displayInit && grabbedFrame->getHeight() != 0 && grabbedFrame->getWidth() != 0) {
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
display = new vpDisplayX(*grabbedFrame);
displayConf = new vpDisplayX(confidence, (*grabbedFrame).getWidth() + 60, 10);
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)
display = new vpDisplayGDI(*grabbedFrame);
displayConf = new vpDisplayGDI(confidence, (*grabbedFrame).getWidth() + 60, 10);
displayInit = true;
// processing display
if (displayInit) {
// display target barycenter (image center)
vpDisplay::displayText(confidence, 10, 10, "target", vpColor::green);
vpDisplay::displayLine(confidence, 0, confidence.getWidth() / 2 - 1, confidence.getHeight() - 1,
confidence.getWidth() / 2 - 1, vpColor::green);
// dispay current confidence barycenter
vpDisplay::displayText(confidence, 25, 10, "current", vpColor::red);
vpDisplay::displayLine(confidence, 0, static_cast<int>(yc), confidence.getHeight() - 1, static_cast<int>(yc),
if (vpDisplay::getClick(confidence, false))
captureRunning = false;
if (vpDisplay::getClick(*grabbedFrame, false))
captureRunning = false;
vpTime::wait(10); // wait to simulate a local process running on last frame frabbed
} while (captureRunning);
std::cout << "stop capture" << std::endl;
if (displayInit) {
if (display)
delete display;
if (displayConf)
delete displayConf;
// move up the robot arm
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
s_controlVelocity = 0.0;
s_controlVelocity[5] = -0.05; // move up in probe frame
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
s_controlVelocity = 0.0;
s_capture_state = capture_stopped;
// end grabber
std::cout << "end main thread" << std::endl;
return 0;
int main()
std::cout << "You should intall Qt5 (with wigdets and network modules), and display X to run this tutorial"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
Class to store additionnal informations arriving on the network with ultrasound images grabbed,...
Specific class to grab pre-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network.
usFrameGrabbedInfo< usImagePreScan2D< unsigned char > > * acquire()
void useVpDisplay(vpDisplay *display)
bool initAcquisition(const usNetworkGrabber::usInitHeaderSent &header)
void setMotorPosition(int motorPosition)
Process a pre-scan image to determine the confidence map.
void run(usImagePreScan2D< unsigned char > &preScanConfidence, const usImagePreScan2D< unsigned char > &preScanImage)
VISP_EXPORT void display(const usOrientedPlane3D &plane, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green)
Display usOrientedPlane3D.