UsTK : Ultrasound ToolKit  version 2.0.1 under development (2023-12-07)
Tutorial: UsTK grabber tutorial to perform visual servoing on a 2D confidence map.


This tutorial expains how to perform a visual servoing task based on a 2D confidence map, using Viper 850 robot and ultrasonix station.

Note that the source code used in this tutorial can be downloaded using the following command :

$ svn export

Visual servoing on confidence map

The following code shows how to perform a visual servoing task on a 2D confidence map in real-time, using the 6-DOF robot Viper850 (holding the ultrasound probe). The code is splitted in 3 threads :

  • The grabber to acquire images on the network runs in a separate thread (based on QTread)
  • The robot control loop is performed in a separate thread (first part of the following code)
  • The main thread performs the confidence map algorithm on the received frame. And based on the barycenter of this map, it sets the robot control velocity to apply in the probe frame.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/ustk_core/usConfig.h>
#if (defined(USTK_HAVE_QT5) || defined(USTK_HAVE_VTK_QT)) && (defined(VISP_HAVE_X11) || defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)) && \
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <visp3/ustk_grabber/usNetworkGrabberPreScan2D.h>
#include <visp3/ustk_confidence_map/usScanlineConfidence2D.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayX.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotViper850.h>
// Shared vars
vpMutex s_mutex_control_velocity;
vpColVector s_controlVelocity(6, 0.);
vpMutex s_mutex_capture;
typedef enum { capture_waiting, capture_started, capture_stopped } t_CaptureState;
t_CaptureState s_capture_state = capture_waiting;
vpThread::Return controlFunction(vpThread::Args args)
vpRobotViper850 robot;
vpMatrix eJe; // robot jacobian
// Transformation from end-effector frame to the force/torque sensor
// Note that the end-effector frame is located on the lower part of
// male component of the tool changer.
vpHomogeneousMatrix eMs;
eMs[2][3] = -0.062; // tz = -6.2cm
// Transformation from force/torque sensor to the probe frame from where
// we want to control the robot
vpHomogeneousMatrix sMp;
// Transformation from force/torque sensor to the end-effector frame
vpHomogeneousMatrix sMe;
// Build the transformation that allows to convert a velocity in the
// end-effector frame to the FT sensor frame
vpVelocityTwistMatrix sVe;
vpColVector sHs(6); // force/torque sensor measures
vpColVector sHs_star(6); // force/torque sensor desired values in sensor frame
vpColVector pHp_star(6); // force/torque sensor desired values in probe frame
vpColVector gHg(6); // force/torque due to the gravity
vpMatrix lambdaProportionnal(6, 6); // gain of proportionnal part of the force controller
vpMatrix lambdaDerivate(6, 6); // gain of derivate part of the force controller
vpMatrix lambdaIntegral(6, 6); // gain of derivate part of the force controller
vpColVector sEs(6, 0); // force/torque error
vpColVector sEs_last(6, 0); // force/torque error
vpColVector sEs_sum(6, 0); // force/torque sum error
// Position of the cog of the object attached after the sensor in the sensor frame
vpTranslationVector stg;
vpColVector sHs_bias(6); // force/torque sensor measures for bias
// Cartesian velocities corresponding to the force/torque control in the
// sensor frame
vpColVector v_s(6);
// Joint velocities corresponding to the force/torque control
vpColVector q_dot(6);
// Initialized the force gains, for proportionnal component
lambdaProportionnal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lambdaProportionnal[i][i] = 0.015;
// Initialized the torque gains, for proportionnal component
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
lambdaProportionnal[i][i] = 0;
// Initialized the force gains, for derivate component
lambdaDerivate = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lambdaDerivate[i][i] = 0.09;
// Initialized the torque gains, for derivate component
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
lambdaDerivate[i][i] = 0;
// Initialized the force gains, for integral component
lambdaIntegral = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lambdaIntegral[i][i] = 0;
// Initialized the torque gains, for integral component
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
lambdaIntegral[i][i] = 0;
// Initialize the desired force/torque values
pHp_star = 0;
pHp_star[1] = 4; // Fy = 4N
// Case of the C65 US probe
// Set the probe frame control
sMp[0][0] = 0;
sMp[1][1] = 0;
sMp[2][2] = 0;
sMp[0][2] = 1; // Z in force sensor becomes X in the probe control frame
sMp[1][0] = 1; // X in force sensor becomes Y in the probe control frame
sMp[2][1] = 1; // Y in force sensor becomes Z in the probe control frame
sMp[1][3] = 0.262; // ty = 26.2cm
// Init the force/torque due to the gravity
gHg[2] = -(0.696 + 0.476) * 9.81; // m*g
// Position of the cog of the object attached after the sensor in the sensor frame
stg[0] = 0;
stg[1] = 0;
stg[2] = 0.088; // tz = 88.4mm
vpHomogeneousMatrix eMp = eMs * sMp;
vpVelocityTwistMatrix eVp(eMp);
// Get the position of the end-effector in the reference frame
vpColVector q;
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMe;
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMs;
vpRotationMatrix sRf;
robot.getPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);
robot.get_fMe(q, fMe);
// Compute the position of the sensor frame in the reference frame
fMs = fMe * eMs;
vpHomogeneousMatrix sMf;
// Build the transformation that allows to convert the forces due to the
// gravity in the sensor frame
vpForceTwistMatrix sFg(sMf); // Only the rotation part is to consider
// Modify the translational part
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
sFg[i + 3][j] = (stg.skew() * sRf)[i][j];
// Build the transformation that allows to convert a FT expressed in the
// FT probe frame into the sensor frame
vpForceTwistMatrix sFp(sMp);
// Bias the force/torque sensor
std::cout << "\nBias the force/torque sensor...\n " << std::endl;
// Set the robot to velocity control
unsigned int iter = 0;
t_CaptureState capture_state_;
// signal filtering
unsigned int bufferSize = 80;
double signalBuffer[bufferSize];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
signalBuffer[i] = 0;
std::cout << "Starting control loop..." << std::endl;
double t0 = vpTime::measureTimeMs();
double deltaTmilliseconds = 1; // 1ms for each loop cycle
do {
t0 = vpTime::measureTimeMs();
capture_state_ = s_capture_state;
// Check if a frame is available
if (capture_state_ == capture_started) {
// Get the force/torque measures from the sensor
sHs = robot.getForceTorque();
// Multiply the measures by -1 to get the force/torque exerced by the
// robot to the environment.
sHs *= -1;
// Update the gravity transformation matrix
robot.getPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);
robot.get_fMe(q, fMe);
// Compute the position of the sensor frame in the reference frame
fMs = fMe * eMs;
// Compute the inverse transformation
// Update the transformation that allows to convert the forces due to the
// gravity in the sensor frame
sFg.buildFrom(sMf); // Only the rotation part is to consider
// Modify the translational part
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
sFg[i + 3][j] = (stg.skew() * sRf)[i][j];
if (iter == 0) {
sHs_bias = sHs - sFg * gHg;
// Compute rotation in probe frame from control velocity deduced of the confidence map barycenter
vpColVector v_p;
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
v_p = s_controlVelocity;
v_p[0] = 0;
v_p[1] = 0;
v_p[2] = 0;
v_p[3] = 0;
v_p[4] = 0;
// save last error for derivate part of the controller
sEs_last = sEs;
// Compute the force/torque error in the sensor frame
sEs = sFp * pHp_star - (sHs - sFg * gHg - sHs_bias);
// fill filtering buffer
signalBuffer[iter % bufferSize] = sEs[2];
// filter
double sum = 0;
unsigned int realBufferSize = iter + 1 < bufferSize ? iter + 1 : bufferSize;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < realBufferSize; i++) {
sum += signalBuffer[i];
sEs[2] = sum / realBufferSize;
sEs_sum += sEs;
// to avoid hudge derivate error at first iteration, we set the derivate error to 0
if (iter == 0) {
sEs_last = sEs;
// Compute the force/torque control law in the sensor frame (propotionnal + derivate controller)
v_s =
lambdaProportionnal * sEs + lambdaDerivate * (sEs - sEs_last) / deltaTmilliseconds + lambdaIntegral * sEs_sum;
v_s[0] = 0.0;
v_s[1] = 0.0;
v_s[3] = 0.0;
v_s[4] = 0.0;
v_s[5] = 0.0;
vpVelocityTwistMatrix eVs;
vpColVector v_e = eVs * v_s + eVp * v_p;
// Get the robot jacobian eJe
// Compute the joint velocities to achieve the force/torque control
q_dot = eJe.pseudoInverse() * v_e;
// Send the joint velocities to the robot
robot.setVelocity(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q_dot);
vpTime::wait(t0, deltaTmilliseconds);
} while (capture_state_ != capture_stopped);
std::cout << "End of control thread" << std::endl;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// QT application
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// setting acquisition parameters
if (qApp->arguments().contains(QString("--probeID"))) {
header.probeId = qApp->arguments().at(qApp->arguments().indexOf(QString("--probeID")) + 1).toInt();
} else
header.probeId = 15; // 4DC7 id = 15 by default
if (qApp->arguments().contains(QString("--slotID"))) {
header.slotId = qApp->arguments().at(qApp->arguments().indexOf(QString("--slotID")) + 1).toInt();
} else
header.slotId = 0; // top slot id = 0 by default
if (qApp->arguments().contains(QString("--imagingMode"))) {
header.imagingMode = qApp->arguments().at(qApp->arguments().indexOf(QString("--imagingMode")) + 1).toInt();
} else
header.imagingMode = 0; // B-mode = 0 by default
// prepare image;
// gain
double lambdaVisualError = 5;
// Prepare display
vpDisplay *display = NULL;
vpDisplay *displayConf = NULL;
bool displayInit = false;
// prepare confidence
usScanlineConfidence2D confidenceProcessor;
bool captureRunning = true;
// sending acquisition parameters
qtGrabber->setMotorPosition(32); // middle
// start robot control thread
vpThread thread_control((vpThread::Fn)controlFunction);
std::cout << "waiting ultrasound initialisation..." << std::endl;
// our local grabbing loop
do {
grabbedFrame = qtGrabber->acquire();, *grabbedFrame);
// Confidence barycenter computation
// sum first
double I_sum = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < confidence.getHeight(); ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < confidence.getWidth(); ++j)
I_sum += static_cast<double>(confidence[i][j]);
double yc = 0.0;
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < confidence.getHeight(); ++x)
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < confidence.getWidth(); ++y) {
yc += y * confidence[x][y];
yc /= I_sum;
double tc = yc * confidence.getScanLinePitch() - confidence.getFieldOfView() / 2.0;
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
s_controlVelocity = 0.0;
s_controlVelocity[5] = lambdaVisualError * tc;
s_capture_state = capture_started;
// std::cout << "MAIN THREAD received frame No : " << grabbedFrame->getFrameCount() << std::endl;
// init display
if (!displayInit && grabbedFrame->getHeight() != 0 && grabbedFrame->getWidth() != 0) {
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
display = new vpDisplayX(*grabbedFrame);
displayConf = new vpDisplayX(confidence, (*grabbedFrame).getWidth() + 60, 10);
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)
display = new vpDisplayGDI(*grabbedFrame);
displayConf = new vpDisplayGDI(confidence, (*grabbedFrame).getWidth() + 60, 10);
displayInit = true;
// processing display
if (displayInit) {
// display target barycenter (image center)
vpDisplay::displayText(confidence, 10, 10, "target", vpColor::green);
vpDisplay::displayLine(confidence, 0, confidence.getWidth() / 2 - 1, confidence.getHeight() - 1,
confidence.getWidth() / 2 - 1, vpColor::green);
// dispay current confidence barycenter
vpDisplay::displayText(confidence, 25, 10, "current", vpColor::red);
vpDisplay::displayLine(confidence, 0, static_cast<int>(yc), confidence.getHeight() - 1, static_cast<int>(yc),
if (vpDisplay::getClick(confidence, false))
captureRunning = false;
if (vpDisplay::getClick(*grabbedFrame, false))
captureRunning = false;
vpTime::wait(10); // wait to simulate a local process running on last frame frabbed
} while (captureRunning);
std::cout << "stop capture" << std::endl;
if (displayInit) {
if (display)
delete display;
if (displayConf)
delete displayConf;
// move up the robot arm
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
s_controlVelocity = 0.0;
s_controlVelocity[5] = -0.05; // move up in probe frame
vpMutex::vpScopedLock lock(s_mutex_control_velocity);
s_controlVelocity = 0.0;
s_capture_state = capture_stopped;
// end grabber
std::cout << "end main thread" << std::endl;
return 0;
int main()
std::cout << "You should intall Qt5 (with wigdets and network modules), and display X to run this tutorial"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
Class to store additionnal informations arriving on the network with ultrasound images grabbed,...
Specific class to grab pre-scan frames from the ultrasound station on the network.
usFrameGrabbedInfo< usImagePreScan2D< unsigned char > > * acquire()
void useVpDisplay(vpDisplay *display)
bool initAcquisition(const usNetworkGrabber::usInitHeaderSent &header)
void setMotorPosition(int motorPosition)
Process a pre-scan image to determine the confidence map.
void run(usImagePreScan2D< unsigned char > &preScanConfidence, const usImagePreScan2D< unsigned char > &preScanImage)
VISP_EXPORT void display(const usOrientedPlane3D &plane, const vpImage< ImageDataType > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &imageMworld, double Xscale=3000, double Yscale=3000, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green)
Display usOrientedPlane3D.

Some details about this code :

  • You will need Qt to use the grabber
  • You will need X11 to display the images
  • You will need a Viper 850 robot with a system to attach the ultrasound probe
  • Some parameters are set :
    • For the geometry of the robot and the probe
      • 62 mm between the force/torque sensor and the bottom of the tool changer
      • 262 mm between the force/torque sensor and the contact point of the ultrasound probe
    • For the physical catacteristics of the system :
      • Mass of the probe + tool changer : 0.696+0.476 Kg
      • Contact force we want to apply with the robot on the phantom : 3 N