UsTK : Ultrasound ToolKit
version 2.0.1 under development (2025-02-28)
This tutorial expains how to run the GUI tutorial displaying a mesh in a 3D scene (based on Qt and VTK libraries), and move a mesh node.
If you have only a surfacic mesh, you'll have to convert it to volumetric. For this, tetgen tool is used ( Once you compiled it, simply run the following command in build directory:
We assume "mesh.vtk" is a surfacic mesh you want to transform into tetrahedral mesh. Your output mesh will be "mesh.1.vtk"
Before running the application with a pre-genrated liver mesh, make sure you set USTK_DATASET_PATH environment variable to ustk-dataset repository. Then, simply run:
To deform your mesh, use up and down keyboard arrows. It will move the first node of your mesh along Y axis
To use the mesh of your choice, you'll have to specify it in the code. In tutorial-mesh-deformation.cpp, simply enter your mesh filename instead of the "liver.vtk" in the following line :