UsTK : Ultrasound ToolKit
version 2.0.1 under development (2025-01-22)
This is the complete list of members for usBSpline3D, including all inherited members.
accessLastSegment() const | usBSpline3D | |
accessLastSegment() | usBSpline3D | |
accessSegment(int i) const | usBSpline3D | |
accessSegment(int i) | usBSpline3D | |
addSegment(const usPolynomialCurve3D &seg) | usBSpline3D | |
clear() | usBSpline3D | |
clone() const | usBSpline3D | virtual |
defineFromPoints(const std::vector< vpColVector > &points, const std::vector< double > &lengths, int order=3) | usBSpline3D | |
getCurvatureFromShape(double start, double end, vpColVector ¢er3D, vpColVector &direction3D) const | usBSpline3D | |
getDistanceFromPoint(const vpColVector &point, double start=0, double stop=-1, double threshold=1e-5) const | usBSpline3D | |
getLength(int nbSubSeg=50) const | usBSpline3D | |
getNbSegments() const | usBSpline3D | |
getParametersFromLength(double l, int &index, double ¶m) const | usBSpline3D | |
getParametricLength() const | usBSpline3D | |
getPoint(double param) const | usBSpline3D | |
getSubSpline(double a, double b) const | usBSpline3D | |
getTangent(double param) const | usBSpline3D | |
insertSegment(int i, const usPolynomialCurve3D &seg) | usBSpline3D | |
m_spline | usBSpline3D | protected |
move(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &H) | usBSpline3D | |
move(double x, double y, double z, double tx, double ty, double tz) | usBSpline3D | |
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const usBSpline3D &spline) | usBSpline3D | friend |
operator<<=(std::ostream &s, const usBSpline3D &spline) | usBSpline3D | friend |
operator=(const usBSpline3D &spline) | usBSpline3D | |
operator>>(std::istream &s, usBSpline3D &spline) | usBSpline3D | friend |
operator>>=(std::istream &s, usBSpline3D &spline) | usBSpline3D | friend |
removeLastSegment() | usBSpline3D | |
removeSegment(int i) | usBSpline3D | |
removeSegments(int i, int j) | usBSpline3D | |
setSegment(int i, const usPolynomialCurve3D &poly) | usBSpline3D | |
usBSpline3D() | usBSpline3D | |
usBSpline3D(const usBSpline3D &spline) | usBSpline3D | |
~usBSpline3D() | usBSpline3D | virtual |